2004 Special Session I

Budget Bill - SB5001 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department for the Aging

Item 301

Item 301

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Individual Care Services (45500)$26,433,352$26,573,352
Financial Assistance for Local Services to Elderly (45504)FY2005 $24,658,352FY2006 $24,798,352
Financial Assistance for Case Management and Related Services (45505)FY2005 $1,775,000FY2006 $1,775,000
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2005 $9,887,305FY2006 $10,027,305
SpecialFY2005 $100,000FY2006 $100,000
Federal TrustFY2005 $16,446,047FY2006 $16,446,047

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 7, Code of Virginia.

A.1. Out of this appropriation, $564,964 the first year and $564,964 the second year shall be provided from the general fund to continue a statewide respite care initiative for the elderly and persons suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.

2. Out of this appropriation, $391,691 the first year and $391,691 the second year from the general fund shall be transferred to the Virginia Respite Care Grant Fund authorized by §2.2-716, Code of Virginia, to provide grants to community respite care organizations.

B.1. Out of this appropriation, $615,000 the first year and $755,000 each year shall be provided from the general fund to support local programs of the Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Program. Up to $5,000 of this appropriation each year may be used for activities of the Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Program Advisory Board, including but not limited to, paying expenses for the members to attend four meetings per year.

2. Out of this appropriation, $79,000 the first year and $79,000 the second year shall be provided from the general fund for the administration of the public guardianship programs and for no other purpose.

3. Out of this appropriation, the expenditure of $110,000 the first year and $250,000 the second year from the general fund for the expansion of the Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Program is contingent upon the passage into law of provisions contained in Enactment Nos. 2, 3, and 5 of Part 5 of introduced House Bill 30/Senate Bill 30 of the 2004 Session.

C. Out of this appropriation, $148,014 the first year and $148,014 the second year shall be provided from the general fund to support adult day care services at the Oxbow Center in Wise County.

D. Out of this appropriation, $53,605 the first year and $53,605 the second year shall be provided from the general fund for the Norfolk Senior Center.

E. Out of this appropriation, $20,002 the first year and $20,002 the second year shall be provided from the general fund for the Korean Intergenerational and Multi-purpose Senior Center.

F. Out of this appropriation, $98,009 the first year and $98,009 the second year shall be provided from the general fund for the Jewish Family Service of Tidewater.

G. Out of this appropriation, $80,008 the first year and $80,008 the second year shall be provided from the general fund for a companion care pilot program to be administered by Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc., the evaluation of which shall incorporate the use of performance measures.

H. Out of this appropriation, $329,809 the first year and $329,809 the second year shall be provided from the general fund for the Pharmacy Connect Program in Southwest Virginia .

I. Out of this appropriation, $22,224 the first year and $22,224 the second year shall be provided from the general fund for the development of adult day care services to be managed by Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc. and the Junction Center for Independent Living, Inc.

J. Out of this appropriation, $250,000 the first year and $250,000 the second year shall be provided from the general fund to support the distribution of comprehensive health and aging information to Virginia’s senior population, their families and caregivers.