2004 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5001 (Chapter 4)

Department of Environmental Quality

Item 385

Item 385

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Environmental Resources Management (51200)$35,495,230$35,412,786
Groundwater Management (51202)FY2005 $889,273FY2006 $889,273
Water Discharge Permit Management (51204)FY2005 $7,612,678FY2006 $7,569,520
Sewage and Wastewater Regulation (51205)FY2005 $619,303FY2006 $619,303
Water Discharge Pretreatment Management (51208)FY2005 $670,195FY2006 $670,195
Permit Assistance and Operations Coordination (51212)FY2005 $3,246,416FY2006 $3,246,416
Water Resources Enforcement (51213)FY2005 $1,092,949FY2006 $1,092,949
Air Quality Stationary Source Regulation Enforcement (51214)FY2005 $193,602FY2006 $193,602
Air Quality Mobile Source Regulation Enforcement (51215)FY2005 $1,373,255FY2006 $1,373,255
Waste Permit Management (51216)FY2005 $2,998,443FY2006 $3,010,472
Waste Inspection Management (51217)FY2005 $2,339,984FY2006 $2,339,984
Waste Enforcement (51218)FY2005 $361,529FY2006 $361,529
Water Discharge Compliance Inspections (51219)FY2005 $3,918,932FY2006 $3,867,617
Air Quality Stationary Source Permitting (51220)FY2005 $6,299,260FY2006 $6,299,260
Air Quality Stationary Source Compliance Inspections (51221)FY2005 $3,879,411FY2006 $3,879,411
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2005 $14,358,505FY2006 $14,358,505
SpecialFY2005 $864,201FY2006 $865,476
EnterpriseFY2005 $7,746,035FY2006 $7,746,035
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2005 $7,774,604FY2006 $7,690,885
Federal TrustFY2005 $4,751,885FY2006 $4,751,885

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 11.1, 13 and 14; Title 44, Chapter 3.5; Title 46.2; §§ 46.2-1176 through 46.2-1187.3; and Title 62.1, Chapters 3.1, 20, 24 and 25, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department of Environmental Quality is authorized to commit resources necessary to qualify for in-kind match for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the John H. Kerr Dam and Reservoir, Virginia and North Carolina Feasibility Study, to be conducted in accordance with § 216 of the River and Harbors Flood Control Act of 1970.

B. Included in this appropriation is $486,000 each year in nongeneral funds for the State Programmatic General Permit program. The source of the nongeneral funds is $236,000 each year from fees associated with the program and $250,000 each year from the Virginia Environmental Emergency Response Fund, representing fines collected as a result of wetlands regulation violations. In addition, the Department of Environmental Quality shall apply for federal grants, including a Coastal Zone Management Grant, to ensure effective implementation and enforcement of Virginia's nontidal wetlands program.

C. The Department of Environmental Quality is authorized to use up to $300,000 each year from the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program Fund to implement the provisions of Chapter 710, Acts of Assembly of 2002, which authorizes the Department to operate a program to subsidize repairs of vehicles that fail to meet emissions standards established by the Board when the owner of the vehicle is financially unable to have the vehicle repaired.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of Title 10.1, Chapter 25, Code of Virginia, the Department is authorized to expend funds from the balances in the Virginia Environmental Emergency Response Fund for costs associated with its waste management and water programs.