2004 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5001 (Chapter 4)

University of Virginia

Item 213

Item 213

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Educational and General Programs (10000)$364,124,271$382,987,308
Higher Education Instruction (100101)FY2005 $195,904,724FY2006 $208,140,761
Higher Education Research (100102)FY2005 $7,467,124FY2006 $9,471,749
Higher Education Public Services (100103)FY2005 $2,293,158FY2006 $2,293,158
Higher Education Academic Support (100104)FY2005 $64,157,571FY2006 $66,609,703
Higher Education Student Services (100105)FY2005 $16,052,864FY2006 $16,052,864
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106)FY2005 $30,838,643FY2006 $32,982,691
Operation and Maintenance of Plant (100107)FY2005 $47,410,187FY2006 $47,436,382
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2005 $119,801,166FY2006 $126,484,283
Higher Education OperatingFY2005 $243,989,105FY2006 $256,169,025
Debt ServiceFY2005 $334,000FY2006 $334,000

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 9, Code of Virginia.

A.1. This appropriation includes an amount not to exceed $1,928,348 the first year and $1,928,348 the second year from the general fund for the operation of the Family Practice Residency Program and Family Practice medical student programs. This appropriation for Family Practice programs, whether ultimately implemented by contract, agreement or other means, is considered to be a grant.

2. The University shall report by July 1 annually to the Department of Planning and Budget an operating plan for the Family Practice Residency Program.

3. The University of Virginia, in cooperation with the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Authority, shall establish elective Family Practice Medicine experiences in Southwest Virginia for both students and residents.

B. Out of this appropriation, $931,320 the first year and $931,320 the second year from the general fund is designated for the Virginia Foundation for Humanities and Public Policy. Pursuant to House Joint Resolution 762, 1999 Session of the General Assembly, funds in this Item begin to address the objective of appropriating one dollar per capita for the support of the Foundation.

C. Out of this appropriation shall be expended an amount estimated at $625,197 from the general fund and at least $318,850 from nongeneral funds the first year and $625,197 from the general fund and at least $318,850 from nongeneral funds the second year, for the educational telecommunications project to provide graduate engineering education, subject to a plan approved by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

D. Out of this appropriation, $283,500 the first year and $283,500 the second year from the general fund, and at least $283,500 the first year and at least $283,500 the second year from nongeneral funds is designated for the independent Virginia Institute of Government at the University of Virginia Center for Public Service.

E. Out of this appropriation, $91,530 the first year and $91,530 the second year from the general fund is designated for the Virginia State Climatologist Office.

F.1. Out of this appropriation, $505,210 from the general fund and at least $314,447 in nongeneral funds the first year and $505,210 from the general fund and at least $314,447 in nongeneral funds the second year is designated for the "generalist initiative" to sustain the successful increases in generalist output for Virginia medical schools and generalist residency training programs. The University of Virginia, in conjunction with the Eastern Virginia Medical School and Virginia Commonwealth University, shall jointly collect and report the yearly outcomes of the Virginia Generalist Initiative to the Secretary of Education and the State Council of Higher Education biennially by October 1. The State Council shall report on the status of the Generalist Initiative to the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees at their regularly scheduled meetings in November.

2. The amounts appropriated shall be used for recruitment and admissions, curriculum enhancement and graduate medical education.

3. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the goals of the Virginia Generalist Initiative shall be as follows:

a. Based on a three year average, at least 50 percent of Virginia medical school graduates shall enter generalist residency programs;

b. Based on a three year average, at least 50 percent of Virginia generalist residency graduates shall enter generalist practice upon completion of residency training and at least 50 percent of those graduates shall practice in Virginia.

4. Further, it is the intent of the General Assembly that:

a. Generalist initiative recruitment and admissions programs shall be designed to actively recruit and retain Virginia medical students with an interest in generalist medicine from medically underserved areas of the Commonwealth; and

b. Generalist initiative education programs shall be designed to sustain educational experiences in community settings in general, and in medically underserved communities in particular, for both medical students and generalists.

c. In addition to the statistical goals specified above, the Virginia Generalist Initiative program shall be evaluated for its quality based on: 1) Virginia graduates' responses to the annual survey of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC); 2) Student evaluation of the program conducted by the individual institution; and 3) Faculty and community preceptors' evaluation of the student learning and skills.

G. It is the intent of the General Assembly to assist the three Virginia medical schools as they respond to changes in the need for delivery and financing of medical education, both undergraduate and graduate.

H. Out of this appropriation, at least $196,263 the first year and $196,263 the second year from the general fund shall be provided in support of diabetes education and public service at the Virginia Center for Diabetes Professional Education at the University of Virginia.

I. Out of this appropriation, $368,000 the first year and $368,000 the second year from the general fund shall be provided for the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia to conduct and preserve oral histories with senior public officials, to conduct the Virginia Youth Leadership Initiative which educates students in Virginia's secondary schools in the democratic process, and to develop programs that foster increased public awareness of the electoral system.

J. Out of this appropriation, $276,000 the first year and $276,000 the second year from the general fund is provided in recognition of unreimbursed indigent care provided by medical school faculty separate from the care provided by the medical center. These funds are in partial support of the direct cost of the first-professional medical education program for Virginia students. The cost study policies established in Item 218 shall apply to these patients and financial transactions. The annual report required in Item 218 of this act on financial activities and the qualification of patients shall be reported to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and the Department of Planning and Budget.

K. Out of this appropriation, $210,000 the first year and $210,000 the second year from the general fund shall be provided to the University of Virginia to establish the Fishery Resource Grant Fund and Program authorized in Chapter 719, Acts of Assembly of 1999. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the State Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request of the Chairman of the Graduate Marine Science Consortium at the University of Virginia.

L.1. In order to appropriately plan and reserve for future major maintenance and repair work that will be required for Educational and General (E&G) facilities constructed with nongeneral funds and for which general fund maintenance reserves may be inadequate, the University of Virginia may establish, fund, and maintain reserves for major repairs, renewal, replacement and renovation to be funded from tuition or other nongeneral fund revenues. Annual contributions to such reserve funds shall not exceed three percent of the asset value of the educational and general buildings constructed with nongeneral fund revenues for which such reserves are established.

2. Any unexpended balances in such reserves at the close of business on June 30 of each year shall not revert to the surplus of the general fund but shall automatically be carried forward on the books of the State Comptroller and reappropriated for expenditure in the succeeding year.

3. The Comptroller of Virginia shall establish a special revenue account fund detail for nongeneral fund balances to support the above reserve fund.

4. On a monthly basis, the Comptroller of Virginia shall credit to the special reserve account fund detail for such reserve funds, the imputed interest earned by the investment of such reserve balances on deposit with the State Treasurer.

M. Out of this appropriation, $69,000 is provided each year from the general fund and $53,189 is provided each year from nongeneral funds in support of the State Arboretum at Blandy Farm.

N. The University of Virginia shall report to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia no later than May 1 of each year its tuition, fee, and all other nongeneral fund revenues, in a manner as prescribed by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. The report shall include revenues from the current fiscal year and a projection of anticipated revenues for the next fiscal year.

O.1. Out of this appropriation, $3,843,157 the first year and $7,547,085 the second year from the general fund is provided to address base funding needs identified by the Joint Subcommittee Studying Higher Education Funding Policies and to mitigate the pressure on student tuition and fees. These amounts reflect a portion of the additional general fund support needed to provide adequate base support of the institution's core academic function. These additional funds will allow the institution to serve more students, retain existing students more effectively, increase the number of students receiving a degree or certificate, and enhance the quality and rigor of its academic programs. The Secretary of Education shall monitor the institution's efforts to meet these objectives and other statewide needs.

2. Out of this appropriation, the University may allocate funds to attract and retain distinguished faculty clinicians associated with the School of Medicine and the University's related health professional programs.