2004 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5001 (Chapter 4)

Direct Aid to Public Education

Item 152

Item 152

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Regulation of Professions and Occupations (56000)$58,275,000$58,275,000
Financial Assistance for Regulating Elementary and Secondary Teachers, Counselors and Administrators (56045)FY2005 $58,275,000FY2006 $58,275,000
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2005 $1,475,000FY2006 $1,475,000
Federal TrustFY2005 $56,800,000FY2006 $56,800,000

Authority: §§ 22.1-290.1, 22.1-298, and 22.1-299 Code of Virginia; Title II P.L. 99-159, Federal Code.

A. This appropriation includes $1,375,000 the first year and $1,375,000 the second year from the general fund for statewide Clinical Faculty and Mentor Teacher Programs to assist preservice teachers and beginning teachers to make a successful transition into full-time teaching. Such programs shall include elements which are consistent with the following:

1. An application process for localities and school/higher education partnerships that wish to participate in the programs;

2. Provisions for a local funding or institutional commitment of 50 percent, to match state grants of 50 percent;

3. Program plans which include a description of the criteria for selection of clinical faculty and mentor teachers, training, support, and compensation for clinical faculty and mentor teachers, collaboration between the school division and institutions of higher education, the clinical faculty and mentor teacher assignment process, and a process for evaluation of the programs;

4. The Department of Education shall allow flexibility to local school divisions and higher education institutions regarding compensation for clinical faculty and mentor teachers consistent with these elements of the programs; and

5. It is the intent of the General Assembly that no preference between preservice or beginning teacher programs be construed by the language in this Item. School divisions operating beginning teacher mentor programs shall receive equal consideration for funding.

B. This appropriation includes $100,000 the first year and $100,000 the second year from the general fund to provide grants to school divisions that employ mentor teachers for new teachers entering the profession through the alternative route to licensure as prescribed by the Board of Education.