Member Request | | |
146#3h | Expand Regional Alternative Education Program Funding | $380,527 | $387,685 |
146#4h | Population Density Adjustment to LCI (Language Only) |
146#5h | Expand the Cost of Competing to Fauquier, Frederick and Warren Counties | $4,116,483 | $4,328,004 |
146#6h | Expand the Cost of Competing to Frederick and Winchester Counties | $2,534,547 | $2,683,447 |
146#7h | Expand Regional Alternative Education Program Funding by Twenty-Five Percent | $1,534,362 | $1,527,107 |
146#8h | Henry County Division Supplemental Funding for School Consolidations | $141,694 | $145,091 |
146#9h | Aiding Students to Achieve Program | $215,069,889 | $215,049,226 |
146#10h | Revisions to the Standards of Quality Funding | $301,200,000 | $313,000,000 |
146#11h | Restoration of Basic Aid Funding Formula (Language Only) |
146#12h | Revisions to the Standards of Quality Funding | $301,200,000 | $313,000,000 |
146#13h | Transfer Student Achievement Grant to SOQ (Language Only) |
146#14h | At-Risk Four Year Old Program Contingency (Language Only) |
146#15h | School Construction Grants | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 |
146#16h | Administrative Personnel Costs | $22,700,000 | $23,400,000 |
146#17h | Supplemental Funds to Loudoun County | $4,849,500 | $0 |
146#18h | Median AGI in Composite Index Calculation | -$106,400,000 | -$111,900,000 |
146#19h | Population Density Adjustment to LCI | $116,000,000 | $119,000,000 |
146#21h | School Resource Officers | $8,615,299 | $8,724,737 |
146#23h | Standards of Quality Additional Costs for JLARC Tier 1 | $352,700,000 | $521,500,000 |
146#24h | Reduce the Composite Index Cap to 0.7 | $63,400,000 | $65,600,000 |
146#25h | Composite Index Formula Adjustment | $159,600,000 | $207,100,000 |
146#26h | Adequacy of Public Education Facilities (Language Only) |
146#27h | Alternative Education Program (Language Only) |
146#28h | Composite Index Formula Adjustment | $0 | $207,100,000 |
146#29h | Composite Index Formula Adjustment | $0 | $62,000,000 |
146#30h | Composite Index Formula Adjustment | $0 | $98,200,000 |
Committee Approved | | |
146#1h | Adjust Remedial Education Funding | $41,010 | $7,506 |
146#2h | K-3 class size Reduction Program Enrollment Update | -$650,000 | -$650,000 |
146#3h | Elimination of Contingency Language and Funding for COCA Expansion | -$3,494,618 | -$3,651,168 |
146#4h | Elimination of Contingency Language for At-Risk Four Year Olds and Changes in Funding Formulas | -$4,936,727 | -$4,981,641 |
146#5h | Elimination of Contingency Language and Funding for ESL | -$8,961,151 | -$10,425,448 |
146#6h | Basic Aid Offset From Sales Tax in HB 246 Prepaid Telephone Calling Cards | -$146,365 | -$146,346 |
146#7h | Basic Aid Offset From Sales Tax in HB 1488 Elimination of Certain Sales Tax Exemption | -$32,647,114 | -$32,646,231 |
146#8h | Restore Funding to Basic Aid by Eliminating the Local Revenue Deductions | $54,952,763 | $55,634,004 |
146#9h | Intra-Agency Transfer of Available Balances (Language Only) |
146#10h | Technical Language Adjustments for VPSA (Language Only) |
146#11h | SOQ Remediation FY04 Funding Level | -$21,237,291 | -$21,364,286 |
146#12h | Redirects Student Achievement Block Grant to Local Revenue Deduction | -$10,093,313 | -$10,093,313 |
146#13h | Additional No Loss Provision | $1,748,099 | $1,526,329 |
146#14h | Basic Aid Offset From Revised Baseline Sales Tax Estimate | -$4,694,044 | -$5,633,264 |