2002 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 355 Amendments

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Member Request
355#1sRestore GF for Healthy Families$3,699,800$3,699,800
355#2sPoquoson Child Prot. Multiple Response Pilot$10,000$0
355#3sBristol/Washingon Child Advocacy Ctr. Project$100,000$0
355#4sLenowisco Children's Advocacy Center$112,000$0
355#5sTANF for Bristol/Washington Co. Child Advocacy Ctr. (Language Only)
Committee Approved
355#1sRestore Funding for Healthy Families$4,287,250$4,287,250
355#4sTANF for Lenowisco Children's Advocacy Center$90,000$0
355#5sTANF for Bristol/Washington Co. Child Advocacy Ctr.$90,000$0
355#6sNo Transfer of Foster Care Prevention from CSA to DSS (Language Only)
355#7sRestore Funding for Healthy Start$300,000$300,000
Conference Report
355#1cRestore Funding for Healthy Families$3,999,800$3,999,800
355#4cTANF for Lenowisco Children's Advocacy Center$50,000$0
355#5cTANF for Bristol/Washington Co. Child Advocacy Ctr.$50,000$0
355#6cNo Transfer of Foster Care Prevention from CSA to DSS (Language Only)
355#7cRestore Funding for Healthy Start$225,000$225,000
355#8cPrevention Play (Language Only)