2002 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 325 Amendments

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Member Request
325#1sMR Waiver Rate Differential for Northern Va.$7,420,000$12,840,000
325#2sIncrease MR Waiver Rates Statewide$3,500,000$7,000,000
325#3s15% MR Waiver Rate Increase$18,000,000$18,000,000
325#4sRestore Pharmacy Reimbursement Rate$12,367,993$13,523,347
325#5sMedicaid-12 Month Continuous Coverage$17,018,952$25,401,420
325#6sMedicaid Coverage for Immigrants$2,797,021$2,797,022
325#7sIncrease Rates for Adult Day Health Services$1,000,000$1,000,000
325#8sExpand MR Waiver by 300 Slots$12,000,000$12,000,000
325#9sComply with Medically Necessary Services for Children (Language Only)
325#10sEvaluate Personal Needs Allowance in E&D Waiver (Language Only)
325#11sCSBs as Single Point of Service Entry (Language Only)
325#12sMotor Vehicle Disregard-Medicaid Recipients$745,000$1,378,000
325#13sCritical Access Hospital Program$766,741$789,742
325#14sStudy of Nursing Facility Reimbursement (Language Only)
325#15sExpedite Nursing Facility Reimbursement$2,100,000$2,100,000
325#16sNursing Facility Direct Care Increase$14,525,835$14,525,835
325#17sMedicaid Impact of Aux. Grant Increase$6,598,646$6,598,646
325#18sPersonal Care Rate Increase$30,303,000$30,303,000
325#19sSpecial Mattresses for Nursing Facilities$1,760,000$1,760,000
325#20sTreatment Beds for Nursing Facilities$3,800,000$3,800,000
325#21sIncrease Dental Rates to 85th Percentile$11,300,000$11,300,000
325#22sIncrease Medicaid Rates for Emergency Transportation$6,400,000$6,400,000
325#23sNH Personal Needs Allowance from $30 to $50$6,480,000$6,480,000
325#37sSupplant GF for Indigent Care at Teaching Hospitals (Language Only)
Committee Approved
325#10sEvaluate Personal Needs Allowance in E&D Waiver (Language Only)
325#37sSupplant GF for Indigent Care at Teaching Hospitals (Language Only)
325#38sMedicaid for LTC Ombudsman (Language Only)
325#39sMedicaid for Home-Delivered Meals/Other (Language Only)
325#40sMedicaid for Chronic Care Mgmt. by AAAs (Language Only)
325#41sDelay in Nursing Home Re-Basing-$16,856,214-$8,692,137
325#42sPharmacy Payments from Minus 11% to 10.5% AWP$3,091,998$3,380,837
325#43sMedicaid Coverage of Substance Abuse Treatment$0$5,110,426
325#44sCase Management Rate Increase for CSBs$12,021,458$12,021,458
325#45sEliminate Proposed Hospital Rate Cut to 80%$22,542,645$23,246,412
325#46sRedistribute Hospital Savings to Multiple Providers-$30,624,127-$31,088,175
325#47sPatient Intensity Rating System Language (Language Only)
Conference Report
325#10cEvaluate Personal Needs Allowance in E&D Waiver (Language Only)
325#37cSupplant GF for Indigent Care at Teaching Hospitals$0-$4,000,000
325#41cNursing Homes-Adjustments in Indirect Cost Payments-$14,164,740-$14,794,637
325#42cPharmacy Payments from Minus 11% to 10.25% AWP$4,637,997$5,071,256
325#43cMedicaid Coverage of Substance Abuse Treatment$0$2,555,213
325#44cCase Management Rate Increase for CSBs$12,021,458$12,021,458
325#45cEliminate Proposed Hospital Rate Cut to 80%$22,542,645$23,246,412
325#46cRedistribute Hospital Savings to Multiple Providers-$30,624,127-$51,302,446
325#47cPatient Intensity Rating System Language (Language Only)
325#48cMedicaid 34-day Supply of Medications (Language Only)
325#52cEstimated Adj. to Medicaid Util. & Inflation-$2,416,734$0
325#53cRevised Medicaid Revenue Maximization Language (Language Only)
325#54cMedicaid for LTC Ombudsman (Language Only)
325#55cMedicaid for Home-Delivered Meals & Other Svs. (Language Only)
325#56cMedicaid for Chronic Care Mgmt. by AAAs (Language Only)
325#57cMedicaid Upper Payment Limit Authority (Language Only)