2002 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 491 Amendments

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Member Request
491#1hFunding for Improvement of Route 54 in Hanover County$1,500,000$0
491#2hEnhancement Funds for Wilderness State Park (Language Only)
491#3hRoute 58 PPTA (Language Only)
491#4hRoute 28 (Language Only)
491#5hFunding for TransDominion Express-$9,000,000$0
491#7hImprovements to Boulevard Exit, I-95 (Language Only)
491#8hRoute 28 PPTA (Language Only)
491#9hTreasury Board Approval of PPTA Agreements (Language Only)
491#10hTreasury Board Approval of PPTA Agreements (Language Only)
491#11hTreasury Board Approval of PPTA Agreements (Language Only)
491#12hFauquier County Route 29/215 Improvements (Language Only)
491#13hDisallow Funding for Coalfield's Expressway (Language Only)
491#14hIncrease FRAN Authorization$0-$26,915,361
491#15hEliminates Authority for Transportation Appropriation Bonds (Language Only)
491#16hRoute 17 Improvements, Chesapeake (Language Only)
Committee Approved
491#3hRoute 58 PPTA (Language Only)
491#7hImprovements to Boulevard Exit, I-95 (Language Only)
491#8hRoute 28 PPTA (Language Only)
491#9h24-4 Bridges PPTA Consideration (Language Only)
491#10hTreasury Board Approval of PPTA Agreements (Language Only)
491#11hJamestown PPTA Consideration (Language Only)
491#15hEliminates Authority for Transportation Appropriation Bonds$0-$26,915,361
491#18hReturn of DRPT Funding$1,700,000$0
491#19hPTF Flexibility (Language Only)
491#20hFRANS Flexibility (Language Only)
491#21hRecordation Taxes for Rte 58-$10,000,000$0
491#22hCoalfield's Expressway PPTA (Language Only)
Conference Report
491#1cRemove Transportation Appropriation Bonds$0-$26,915,361
491#2cFRANS (Language Only)
491#3cPriority Transportation Fund$7,132,500$139,456,286
491#7cImprovements to Boulevard Exit, I-95 (Language Only)
491#8cRoute 28 PPTA (Language Only)
491#16cBristol Passenger Rail (Language Only)
491#18cSmithsonian Air & Space Museum (Language Only)
491#22cCoalfield's Expressway PPTA (Language Only)