2002 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 527 Amendments

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Member Request
527#1sStudy Teacher Health insurance Credits (Language Only)
527#1sChange VRS Contributions to Quarterly (Language Only)
527#2sRemove Requirement for Annual Valuations (Language Only)
Committee Approved
527#1sChange VRS Contributions to Quarterly (Language Only)
527#2sRemove Requirement for Annual Valuations (Language Only)
527#3sSystems and Communications Costs - SB 79$250,000$0
Conference Report
527#1cChange VRS Contributions to Quarterly (Language Only)
527#4cVRS Director Salary (Language Only)
527#6cVRS Annual Actuarial Valuations (Language Only)
527#8cVRS Study Commission$100,000$100,000
527#9cVOLSAP Savings-$250,000$0
527#11cRetirement Benefits (Language Only)