2002 Session
Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 899)
| First Year - FY2003 | Second Year - FY2004 |
Total For Office of Education | $9,496,020,363 | $9,637,022,986 |
General Fund Positions | 19,775.17 | 19,815.18 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 27,852.17 | 28,194.15 |
Position Level | 47,627.34 | 48,009.33 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $5,512,846,300 | $5,600,543,692 |
Special | $37,418,618 | $29,571,705 |
Higher Education Operating | $3,080,345,481 | $3,262,924,957 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $2,321,232 | $2,321,232 |
Trust and Agency | $143,805,474 | $141,737,917 |
Debt Service | $111,142,254 | $111,150,820 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $800,000 | $800,000 |
Federal Trust | $607,341,004 | $487,972,663 |