2002 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Treasury Board

Item 294

Item 294

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Financial Assistance for Cultural and Artistic Affairs (14300)$3,100,000$3,100,000
Financial Assistance for Public Broadcasting (14303)FY2003 $3,100,000FY2004 $3,100,000
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2003 $3,100,000FY2004 $3,100,000

Authority: Chapter 1073, 2000 Acts of Assembly, Item 89F.

Out of the amounts for Financial Assistance for Public Broadcasting, and pursuant to a payment agreement between the Virginia Public Broadcasting Board and the Treasury Board, there is hereby appropriated amounts needed for the quarterly payments on the obligations issued to finance grants to local public television stations.