2002 Session

Budget Bill - SB29 (Introduced)

Division of Institutions

Item 455

Item 455 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Agribusiness (80200)$5,624,262$5,627,224
Dairy Operation and Milk Production (80201)FY2001 $143,325FY2002 $143,385
Farm Produce Operation (80202)FY2001 $2,490,115FY2002 $2,491,426
Livestock Production (80203)FY2001 $2,913,717FY2002 $2,915,252
Meat Processing Operation (80204)FY2001 $77,105FY2002 $77,161
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $5,624,262FY2002 $5,627,224

Authority: § 53.1-41, Code of Virginia.

The Department of Corrections, with the assistance of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, shall develop a plan to continue implementation of best management practices intended to reduce nutrient and sediment runoff into state waters from all of its agribusiness operations. This plan shall include, but not be limited to, methods to eliminate access of the Department's livestock to streams, creeks and other waterways; the creation of riparian buffers along these streams; and methods to ensure the appropriate use of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals on Department-owned or cultivated properties. This plan shall maximize the use of inmate labor in implementing best management practices. The Department shall submit a report of this plan, including estimates of any costs to implement the plan, to the Secretaries of Public Safety and Natural Resources and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees no later than October 1, 2000.