2002 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Juvenile Justice

Item 448

Item 448

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Secure Confinement (35700)$51,412,996$48,312,996
Classification Services (35703)FY2003 $1,058,799FY2004 $1,058,799
Juvenile Security (35704)FY2003 $40,881,654FY2004 $37,781,654
Juvenile Rehabilitation and Treatment Services (35705)FY2003 $9,244,106FY2004 $9,244,106
Other Services (35799)FY2003 $228,437FY2004 $228,437
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2003 $49,128,543FY2004 $46,028,543
SpecialFY2003 $1,703,214FY2004 $1,703,214
Federal TrustFY2003 $581,239FY2004 $581,239

Authority: §§ 16.1-278.8, 16.1-285.1, 66-13, 66-18, 66-19 and 66-22, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department of Juvenile Justice shall retain all funds paid for the support of children committed to the department to be used for the security, care and treatment of said children.

B. The Department of Juvenile Justice shall provide a report to the 2003 and 2004 Sessions of the General Assembly on the LEADER program. This report shall include an assessment of the impact of the LEADER program in reducing recidivism.

C. The Department of Juvenile Justice may transfer operating appropriations and positions among and between the state juvenile correctional centers in order to manage the state-responsible juvenile offender population in the most effective manner possible.

D. Effective July 1, 2002, the Department of Juvenile Justice shall transfer to the Department of Corrections the facility known as the Culpeper Juvenile Correctional Center and the Culpeper Juvenile Detention Center, including all responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the facility. The existing juvenile population shall be distributed among the other existing juvenile correctional centers in accordance with a plan to be developed and implemented by the Department of Juvenile Justice. The Secretary of Public Safety shall coordinate the transfer of the facility between the two agencies.

E. The Department shall reimburse Culpeper County the actual cost of housing up to 14 juveniles in other secure detention facilities due to the closing of the Culpeper Juvenile Detention Center. Such reimbursement shall not exceed $766,500 in the first year and $766,500 in the second year from the general fund.