Item 389 | First Year - FY2003 | Second Year - FY2004 |
Environmental Response and Remediation (51800) | $34,674,200 | $34,674,200 |
Environmental Emergency Investigation and Response (51801) | FY2003 $91,490 | FY2004 $91,490 |
Underground Storage Tank Regulation and Remediation (51802) | FY2003 $30,436,504 | FY2004 $30,436,504 |
Oil Spill Discharge Response (51803) | FY2003 $2,366,071 | FY2004 $2,366,071 |
Waste Disposal Site Remediation (51804) | FY2003 $1,780,135 | FY2004 $1,780,135 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY2003 $225,768 | FY2004 $225,768 |
Special | FY2003 $42,222 | FY2004 $42,222 |
Trust and Agency | FY2003 $31,311,772 | FY2004 $31,311,772 |
Federal Trust | FY2003 $3,094,438 | FY2004 $3,094,438 |
Authority: Title 10.1, Chapter 11.1; Title 44, Chapter 3.5 and Title 62.1, Chapter 3.1, Code of Virginia.
It is the intent that balances in the Virginia Environmental Emergency Response Fund be used to meet match requirements for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund State Support Contracts.