2002 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Virginia Military Institute

Item 243

Item 243

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900)$12,732,301$12,732,301
Food Services (80910)FY2003 $3,672,000FY2004 $3,672,000
Bookstores and other Stores (80920)FY2003 $611,240FY2004 $611,240
Residential Services (80930)FY2003 $1,686,885FY2004 $1,686,885
Student Health Services (80960)FY2003 $139,846FY2004 $139,846
Student Unions and Recreational Facilities (80970)FY2003 $923,791FY2004 $923,791
Recreational and Intramural Programs (80980)FY2003 $448,509FY2004 $448,509
Other Enterprise Functions (80990)FY2003 $2,015,425FY2004 $2,015,425
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995)FY2003 $3,234,605FY2004 $3,234,605
Fund Sources:  
Higher Education OperatingFY2003 $12,020,636FY2004 $12,020,636
Debt ServiceFY2003 $711,665FY2004 $711,665

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 10, Code of Virginia.