2002 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 899)

Virginia State Bar

Item 42

Item 42

First Year - FY2003Second Year - FY2004
Regulation of Professions and Occupations (56000)$7,932,764$7,432,764
Lawyer Regulation (56019)FY2003 $7,932,764FY2004 $7,432,764
Fund Sources:  
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2003 $7,932,764FY2004 $7,432,764

Authority: Title 54.1, Chapter 39, Article 2 and §§ 54.1-3935 through 54.1-3938, Code of Virginia.

It is the intention of the General Assembly that the Virginia State Bar strictly direct its activities toward the purposes of regulating the legal profession and improving the quality of legal services available to the people of the Commonwealth, and that, insofar as reasonably possible, the Virginia State Bar shall refrain from commercial or other undertakings not necessarily or reasonably related to the above stated purposes.