Item C-204.10 (Not set out) |
A.1. This item authorizes the capital projects listed below to be financed pursuant to Article X, Section 9(d) of the Constitution of Virginia.
2. This paragraph shall constitute the authority for the Virginia Public Building Authority to finance the following projects by the issuance of revenue bonds in aggregate principal amounts not to exceed the Section 9(d) Bonds amounts listed, plus amounts to fund related issuance costs, reserve funds, and other financing expenses, in accordance with § 2.2-2263 of the Code of Virginia.
3. The appropriations for said capital projects are contained in the appropriation items listed below and are subject to the conditions in §2-0 F of this act.
4. The total amount listed in this Paragraph includes $41,744,676 in bond proceeds.
VPBA Capital Projects
| | CODE | 9(D) BONDS |
| | | |
Department of General Services | | | |
| | | |
Renovate General Assembly Building | C-2.10 | 16487 | $1,304,486 |
| | | |
Virginia School for the Deaf, Blind and Multi-Disabled at Hampton | | | |
Install Air Conditioning in Bradford Hall | C-10 | 16461 | $1,350,000 |
| | | |
Jamestown - Yorktown Foundation | | | |
Improve Jamestown Settlement Cafe and Visitor Center | C-123 | 15894 | $415,000 |
Construct Jamestown Interim Exhibit | C-124 | 16024 | $683,000 |
Renovate and Expand the Jamestown Gallery | C-125 | 16026 | $23,051,000 |
Construct Jamestown Fort | C-133 | 16475 | $1,456,000 |
| | | |
Gunston Hall Plantation | | | |
Construct Addition to the Ann Mason Building | C-139.20 | 16305 | $2,029,000 |
| | | |
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse | | | |
Improve Boilers, Steamlines, and HVAC Systems | C-141 | 16373 | $5,910,897 |
Replace Boilers, Steam Lines, and HVAC Units, Phase II | C-141.10 | 16135 | $1,209,663 |
| | | |
Department of Corrections | | | |
Upgrade electrical systems at field units | C-157 | 15200 | $800,000 |
Install auger/grinder collection systems | C-171 | 16433 | $200,000 |
| | | |
Department of Juvenile Justice | | | |
Restores critical Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Projects at Hanover and Barrett Juvenile Correctional Centers | C-180 | 15204 | $1,900,000 |
Restore critical wastewater projects at Hanover and Natural Bridge Juvenile Correctional Centers. | C-182 | 15837 | $1,435,630 |
| | | |
Total VPBA Projects | | | $41,744,676 |
B. Also included in the amounts in this act for debt financing is $131,000,000 in Item C-199.10 for Improvements to the Norfolk International Terminal. This project will be funded with Section 9(d) debt to be issued by the Virginia Port Authority.