2002 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Chapter 814)

Department of Human Resource Management

Item 81

Item 81 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Personnel Management Services (70400)$4,385,397$4,394,968
Compensation and Classification Services (70401)FY2001 $918,762FY2002 $901,863
Equal Opportunity and Employee Services (70403)FY2001 $676,960FY2002 $677,437
Medical/Hospitalization Benefits - State (70406)FY2001 $2,354,830FY2002 $2,380,566
State Management Development and Training (70409)FY2001 $434,845FY2002 $435,102
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $1,975,742FY2002 $1,959,535
SpecialFY2001 $2,409,655FY2002 $2,435,433

Authority: Title 2.1 2.2, Chapters 2 and 10 12, 28 and 29, Code of Virginia.

A. Administration of any health benefit plan or plans provided for state employees pursuant to § 2.1-20.1 2.2-2818, Code of Virginia, shall be subject to the review of the State Health Benefits Advisory Council Virginia Council on Human Resources, which is provided for in § 2.1-20.1:01 2.2-2675, Code of Virginia. Additionally, the Department shall report any proposed changes in premiums, benefits, carriers, or provider networks to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees at least sixty days prior to implementation.

B. Included in this appropriation is $100,000 the first year and $100,000 the second year from the general fund for management training of supervisors in state agencies. The Department of Personnnel and Training Human Resource Management shall contract-out these services.

C. As a condition of this appropriation, the Department of Personnel and Training Human Resource Management shall conduct a compensation and position classification study of the Virginia Cancer Registry. The study shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the Medical Record Technician Senior Positions. The Virginia Department of Health shall provide assistance upon request. The Department of Personnel and Training Human Resource Management shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor, the Commissioner of Health, and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 1, 2000.

D. The Department of Personnel and Training Human Resource Management shall study the feasibility and cost of allowing state employees to "cash-out" a portion of their annual and sick leave each year. The Department shall report its findings to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by December 1, 2000.