Item 420 | First Year - FY2001 | Second Year - FY2002 |
Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Management (51100) | $30,689,486 | $30,382,690 |
Freshwater Aquatic Species Management and Habitat Improvement (51101) | FY2001 $6,136,784 | FY2002 $6,016,144 |
Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Information and Education (51102) | FY2001 $1,840,942 | FY2002 $1,841,555 |
Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Regulation and Law Enforcement (51103) | FY2001 $14,188,614 | FY2002 $14,220,831 |
Wildlife Management and Habitat Improvement (51106) | FY2001 $8,523,146 | FY2002 $8,304,160 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY2001 $121,250 | FY2002 $0 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | FY2001 $22,439,168 | FY2002 $22,248,612 |
Federal Trust | FY2001 $8,129,068 | FY2002 $8,134,078 |
Authority: Title 29.1, Chapters 1 through 6, Code of Virginia.
A. Out of the amount for Wildlife Management and Habitat Improvement, $121,250 the first year from the general fund shall be transferred to the Fish Passage Grant and Revolving Loan Fund (§ 29.1-101.2, Code of Virginia). These funds shall be made available to meet the Commonwealth's portion of the nonfederal cost share for an Army Corps of Engineers feasibility study on the removal of the Embrey Dam located on the Rappahannock River. This appropriation constitutes the third-year funding of a multi-year commitment by the Commonwealth to provide 50 percent of the nonfederal portion of this project.
B. The Department is authorized to provide the City of Petersburg a grant of $115,000 from the Fish Passage Grant and Revolving Loan Fund to match a federal grant for the construction of a notch fishway at the Abutment Dam on the Appomattox River.
C. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the repayment of a treasury loan authorized in Item C-108.10 of Chapter 1072, 2000 Acts of Assembly, for the acquisition of the Big Survey property in Wythe County begin in Fiscal Year 2002 with a payment of $1,000,000 before June 30, 2002.