2002 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Chapter 814)

Department of Environmental Quality

Item 412

Item 412 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Environmental Resources Management (51200)$30,169,623$30,524,431
Groundwater Management (51202)FY2001 $632,826FY2002 $633,344
Water Discharge Permit Management (51204)FY2001 $3,940,141FY2002 $3,946,319
Water Discharge Pretreatment Management (51208)FY2001 $217,207FY2002 $217,382
Permit Assistance and Operations Coordination (51212)FY2001 $2,875,247FY2002 $3,347,169
Water Resources Enforcement (51213)FY2001 $1,352,614FY2002 $1,353,337
Air Quality Stationary Source Regulation Enforcement (51214)FY2001 $830,658FY2002 $837,997
Air Quality Mobile Source Regulation Enforcement (51215)FY2001 $1,680,889FY2002 $1,681,549
Waste Permit Management (51216)FY2001 $2,908,048FY2002 $2,909,880
Waste Inspection Management (51217)FY2001 $2,685,269FY2002 $2,686,740
Waste Enforcement (51218)FY2001 $485,411FY2002 $485,798
Water Discharge Compliance Inspections (51219)FY2001 $3,940,131FY2002 $3,940,131
Air Quality Stationary Source Permitting (51220)FY2001 $4,153,303FY2002 $4,153,303
Air Quality Stationary Source Compliance Inspections (51221)FY2001 $4,467,879FY2002 $4,331,482
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $14,529,609FY2002 $17,012,008
SpecialFY2001 $102,605FY2002 $103,243
EnterpriseFY2001 $6,552,859FY2002 $6,421,591
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2001 $5,246,878FY2002 $3,249,917
Federal TrustFY2001 $3,737,672FY2002 $3,737,672

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 11.1, 13 and 14; Title 44, Chapter 3.5; Title 46.2; §§ 46.2-1176 through 46.2-1187.3; and Title 62.1, Chapters 3.1, 20, 24 and 25, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department of Environmental Quality is hereby authorized to contract with the Virginia Institute of Marine Science for technical services to support a statewide comprehensive nontidal wetlands management program.

B. Included in the amounts for Environmental Resources Management is $2,000,000 the first year from nongeneral funds for the purpose of long-term maintenance of air quality and the correction and prevention of nonattainment status for National Ambient Air Quality Standards through air quality programs under the direction of the Director, pursuant to § 46.2-1182.2, Code of Virginia. These funds shall be used for air quality programs that impact Northern Virginia, to include air pollutant transport and air quality planning. The source of the nongeneral funds is the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program Fund.