Member Request | | |
218#1s | UVAW-Additional Faculty | $411,591 | $434,897 |
218#2s | UVA W - Additional Support Staff | $343,707 | $354,896 |
218#3s | UVAW - Operation of Appalachian Regional Facility | $424,058 | $435,163 |
218#4s | UVA W Engineering and Technology Program | $1,212,462 | $829,747 |
218#4s | UVAW - SW Va. Public Ed. Consortium | $12,500 | $12,500 |
218#5s | UVAW Admissions and Development Staff | $490,437 | $433,528 |
218#6s | UVAW - Tech. Training & Retraining Programs | $4,000,000 | $4,000,000 |
Committee Approved | | |
218#5s | UVAW Admissions and Development Staff | $500,000 | $500,000 |
218#7s | UVA-W Faculty Salaries | $36,502 | $67,388 |
218#8s | UVAW Level Fund Enrollment Growth | $0 | -$28,035 |
218#9s | UVA-W T&F Offset (Language Only) |
Conference Report | | |
218#1c | UVA-W Admissions and Development Staff | $325,000 | $325,000 |
218#2c | UVA-W Level Fund Enrollment Growth | $0 | -$28,035 |
218#3c | UVA-W T&F Offset (Language Only) |
218#4c | UVA-W Engineering and Technology Program | $100,000 | $100,000 |
218#5c | Faculty Salary Increase | $57,790 | $106,690 |
218#5c | Faculty Salary Increase | $54,200 | $100,060 |