2000 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 133 Amendments

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Member Request
133#1sAlbemarle County Composite Index Change (Language Only)
133#2sIB/AP Scholarship Program$1,179,500$1,806,000
133#3sScholarships for IB Diploma Holders$1,179,500$1,806,000
133#4sReport expenditures on educational technology (Language Only)
133#5sAward $50 to students for IB/AP exam costs$2,332,523$2,786,530
133#6sDevelop Industry Skill Standards$250,000$250,000
133#7sTechnology management and resources$350,000$350,000
133#8sVA. Vocational Curriculum and Resource Center$400,000$400,000
133#9sReport the Costs of the Standards of Accreditation (Language Only)
Committee Approved
133#4sReport expenditures on educational technology (Language Only)
133#7sTechnology management and resources$350,000$200,000
133#9sReport the Costs of the Standards of Accreditation (Language Only)
133#10sDOE Portion of Technology Initiative$360,000$0
133#11sRemedial Education Evaluation Reduction in 2nd Year$0-$50,000
Conference Report
133#2cCollect Technology Expenditure Data (Language Only)
133#4cVoc Curriculum & Resource Center$400,000$0
133#7cTechnology Management and Resources$200,000$75,000
133#9cReport Costs-Standards of Accreditation (Language Only)
133#10cDOE Portion of Technology Initiative$360,000$0
133#13cPerformance Measures-Best Practice Centers (Language Only)
133#14cHB 1020-History Assessments$0$400,000
133#16cRemove Funding for Completed Study-$250,000-$250,000
133#17cPosition-Teacher Certification (Language Only)
133#18cAdd 1 Position Not 3-Reading Remediation-$124,328-$135,628
133#19cAdd 3 Positions Not 5- Accreditation-$110,024-$119,570