2000 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Division of Institutions

Item 452

Item 452

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Secure Confinement (35700)$398,743,285$401,026,342
Adult Rehabilitation and Treatment Services (35701)FY2001 $25,482,653FY2002 $25,503,071
Adult Security (35702)FY2001 $373,260,632FY2002 $375,523,271
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $361,023,370FY2002 $362,839,910
SpecialFY2001 $37,719,915FY2002 $38,186,432

Authority: §§ 53.1-12, 53.1-19, 53.1-23, 53.1-24, 53.1-42, 53.1-43, 53.1-138, 53.1-188 and 53.1-190, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department of Corrections, in cooperation with the Departments of Conservation and Recreation, Game and Inland Fisheries, and Forestry, shall continue to pursue the use of inmates assigned to work projects at state parks and natural areas, wildlife management areas, fishing lakes, boat ramps and forests. A progress report on the implementation of this program shall be presented to the Governor and Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 1 of each year.

B. Included in this appropriation is $42,000 the first year and $42,000 the second year from special funds which shall be paid to the Prison Visitation Project, Inc. The funding to support this appropriation shall be provided from profits generated by prison commissary operations.

C.1. Included in this appropriation is $16,655,471 from the general fund and $728,977 from nongeneral funds in the first year and $17,159,023 from the general fund and $746,860 from nongeneral funds in the second year to contract with a private company to operate and maintain a 1,500-bed medium security correctional facility located in Brunswick County.

2. The Department of Corrections shall evaluate the long-term cost and effectiveness of the privately-operated Lawrenceville Correctional Center before the expiration of the existing contract between the department and the operator of that facility. The evaluation shall include the facility’s compliance with state and national professional standards, the effectiveness of education and treatment programs, the overall security of the facility, the conditions under which prisoners are incarcerated, the maintenance of the physical facility, and the cost-effectiveness of the facility’s operating procedures, as well as any other factors the department considers relevant. As part of this evaluation, the department shall assess whether design features and operating procedures used by the private facility can also be used by the department in its facilities to reduce their operating costs without compromising security and public safety. By September 30, 2001, the department shall submit a report to the Secretary of Public Safety of the findings of this evaluation.

D. The Department shall continue to utilize up to $1,300,000 each year in federal funds from the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish a structured treatment program for youthful offenders at St. Brides Correctional Center and to expand intensive substance abuse treatment services in correctional facilities. The Department shall submit annual reports on its progress in implementing this program to the Secretary of Public Safety and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees. Federal funds received by the Department of Corrections from the state prisoners component of the federal Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program to implement the provisions of this paragraph shall be exempt from payment of statewide and agency indirect cost recoveries into the general fund. Funds received by the Department of Corrections pursuant to the federal Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for state prisoners program shall be used exclusively for the purposes specified in this paragraph.

E.1. The Department of Corrections is authorized to contract with other governmental entities to house male and female prisoners from those jurisdictions in facilities operated by the Department.

2.a. The State Comptroller shall continue the Contract Prisoners Special Revenue Fund on the Commonwealth Accounting and Reporting System to reflect the activities of contracts between the Commonwealth of Virginia and other governmental entities for the housing of prisoners in facilities operated by the Virginia Department of Corrections.

b. The Department of Corrections shall have the responsibility for recording and maintaining all appropriate accounting records and financial reporting of the Fund in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The State Comptroller and the Auditor of Public Accounts shall periodically review the Department's accounting and financial procedures for compliance with the requirement of this subparagraph.

c. The Secretary of Finance shall provide the department anticipation loans in such amounts as may be needed to pay the expenses included in subdivision d of this subsection and to make the transfers required in § 3-1.01 P of this act. Such loans shall be based on the revenue anticipated from payments by other jurisdictions for housing their prisoners and, notwithstanding the provisions of § 4-3.02 b of this act, may be extended for a period longer than twelve months.

d. Included in the appropriation for Items 449 through 452 is $61,370,466 the first year and $61,391,769 the second year from the Fund. These funds shall be used to pay the following estimated expenses:

FY 2001

FY 2002

Operation of St. Brides Correctional Center



Operation of Wallens Ridge State Prison



Operation of Sussex II State Prison



Transportation of out-of-state prisoners


Additional prisoners housed at Lawrenceville



Additional direct inmate costs



Temporary positions at Greensville

