2000 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Division of Community Corrections

Item 444

Item 444

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Probation and Reentry Services (35100)$60,358,338$64,607,361
Adult Probation and Parole Services (35101)FY2001 $58,431,967FY2002 $62,679,420
Adult Probation and Parole Services Coordination (35104)FY2001 $1,906,371FY2002 $1,907,941
Probation and Parole Services Local Grants and Contracts (35105)FY2001 $20,000FY2002 $20,000
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $59,758,338FY2002 $64,007,361
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2001 $600,000FY2002 $600,000

Authority: Title 53.1, Chapters 4 and 5, Code of Virginia.

A. Included within this appropriation is $20,000 the first year and $20,000 the second year from the general fund to contract with Offender Aid and Restoration of Fairfax for social services, vocational and employment counseling, and client emergency assistance for probation and parole technical violators in the Fairfax County Day Reporting Center Program.

B. The amounts for Adult Probation and Parole Services include $50,000 the first year and $50,000 the second year from the general fund for a recidivist reduction program in the Fairfax County Circuit Court.

C. Included within this appropriation is $3,688,931 the first year and $7,616,235 the second year from the general fund to provide substance abuse treatment services as part of the Governor’s Substance Abuse Reduction Effort (SABRE) program.