2000 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Department of Aviation

Item 509

Item 509

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Air Transportation System Maintenance and Operation (65100)$2,171,091$2,171,631
Aircraft Maintenance and Operation (65102)FY2001 $1,876,830FY2002 $1,877,254
Aviation Promotion (65103)FY2001 $294,261FY2002 $294,377
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $50,099FY2002 $50,099
Commonwealth TransportationFY2001 $2,120,992FY2002 $2,121,532

Authority: Title 5.1, Chapter 1, Code of Virginia.

Notwithstanding § 58.1-638, A3, Code of Virginia, an amount equal to the annual debt payment on the executive aircraft shall be set aside and paid from the Commonwealth Airport Fund, prior to any distribution from the Fund pursuant to the cited Code section.