2021 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Floor Approved)

General Assembly - Create Behavioral Health Commission

Item 29.1 #1s

Item 29.1 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Legislative Department
Behavioral Health Commission FY2021 $0 FY2022 $348,744 GF
FY2021 0.00 FY2022 4.00 FTE

Page 26, after line 31, insert:

"29.1 Behavioral Health Commission$0$348,774
Fund Sources:  General $0 $348,774 "


(This amendment provides $348,774 GF the second year for the establishment of a legislative Behavioral Health Commission as provided for in Senate Bill 1273. The requested amount is for four positions and associated office-related costs that are phased-in over the year to reflect the timing necessary to startup the Commission.)