2021 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB1100 (Committee Approved)

CO - VCCS - CVCC Planning for Renovations of Amherst and Campbell Halls

Item C-23.5 #1s

Item C-23.5 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Virginia Community College System FY2021 $500,000 FY2022 $0 GF

Page 620, after line 14, insert:

"C-23.5 Planning: Amherst and Campbell Halls, Central Virginia Community College$500,000$0
Fund Sources:  General $500,000 $0 "


(This amendment provides $500,000 GF for planning for renovations of Amherst and Campbell Halls on Central Virginia Community College's campus. Amherst (54,042 Square Feet) and Campbell (19,550 square feet) Halls comprise the core classroom space for Central Virginia Community College. Amherst Hall was built in 1968 and Campbell Hall was completed in 1974 and neither have had a major renovation.)