2021 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1800 (Floor Approved)

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Office of Labor Market and Alignment (language only)

Item 130 #3h

Item 130 #3h

Commerce and Trade
Virginia Economic Development Partnership


Page 125, line 2, after "L." insert "1."

Page 125, after line 4, insert:

"2. Notwithstanding any provision of law, the Office of Labor Market Alignment (the Office) shall serve as a resource for education and workforce programs administered by state government to better inform programmatic decisions on workforce education and training. Additionally, the Office shall serve as a guide and resource for the Governor and the General Assembly in determining strategic education and workforce investments in current and future education and workforce training programs with a particular focus on those programs supported with state general fund dollars. The Office shall communicate relevant information in a clear and concise manner to better enable policy makers and decision makers to navigate the complex, often confusing connections between education and the labor market.

3. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership shall include in its annual report, due on November 1st of each year, an update on the activities of the Office of Labor Market and Alignment."


(This amendment clarifies language for the Office of Labor Market Alignment.)