2021 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1800 (Conference Report)

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VITA Report on Networking Infrastructure (language only)

Item 90 #2c

Item 90 #2c

Virginia Information Technologies Agency


Page 89, after line 1, insert:

"G. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency shall provide a network infrastructure report to the House Appropriations Committee, Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, and Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission by November 1 of each year. The report shall indicate whether the Commonwealth's network infrastructure is adequate to meet the needs of state agencies, and if not, identify any needed upgrades. For each network infrastructure upgrade identified, the report shall specify the estimated cost and whether the upgrade is to the portion of the network maintained by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency or another state agency."


(This amendment requires VITA to provide a network infrastructure report annually to the Chairs of the legislative money committees and the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to address network capacity challenges for state agencies. This is a recommendation of JLARC.)