2021 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Federal CRF Language (language only)

Item 479.10 #1c

Item 479.10 #1c

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations


Page 576, line 2, after "account." strike remainder of the line.

Page 576, strike line 3.

Page 578, line 39, strike "2020" and insert "2021".

Page 578, line 40, strike "paragraphs B.1. through B.18." and insert:

"paragraph B."

Page 578, line 40, strike "in such" and insert "in the".

Page 578, line 41, after "subparagraphs" insert:

"under paragraph B."

Page 578, line 42, after "B." strike remainder of the line.

Page 578, strike line 43.

Page 578, line 44, strike:

"Fund established pursuant to § 60.2-300.  However, if" and insert: "If".

Page 578, line 49, strike "2020" and insert "2021".

Page 578, line 55, strike "2020" and insert "2021".


(This amendment allows money for the utility assistance program funded with federal Coronavirus Relief Funds to be applied to a customer's account more than once. In addition, it updates the timing of certain actions related to unspent federal Coronavirus Relief Funds due to the recent extension of their use by Congress.)