2021 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1800 (Committee Approved)

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Higher Education Refund Policies (language only)

Item 4-0.01 #1h

Item 4-0.01 #1h

Operating Policies
Operating Policies


Page 667, after line 4, insert:

"i. Each public institution of higher education shall actively disclose their refund policies to students by electronic or written notice within the billing process and during the online payment of accounts. All refund policies shall be actively disclosed to prospective students, including but not limited to disclosures on webpages where the institution currently publishes tuition and fee information. Each university Board of Visitors and the State Board for Community Colleges shall adopt a refund policy that clearly incorporates the amount of refund owed in the event of changes in the mode of course delivery."


(This amendment establishes policy related to public colleges and universities refund procedures.)