2018 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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HE Jt Sub - Agreement Process and Potential Pilots (language only)

Item 1 #5s

Item 1 #5s

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia


Page 10, line 40, strike "and".

Page 10, line 41, strike"." and insert:

"; and  (j) identify and evaluate policies and processes that facilitate alignment of institutional programs and activities with the strategic objectives of the Commonwealth of Virginia.".  

Page 10, after line 57, insert:

"4. 1. To advance the strategic objectives of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Joint Subcommittee may establish a process for the development, review and implementation of potential outcome agreements between the Commonwealth and participating institutions. The Joint Subcommittee may offer guidance related to the six-year plan process required under § 23.1-306 to provide a potential option for institutions to negotiate and reach agreement on institution-specific goals, initiatives, and mutual expectations for the advancement of the Commonwealth's strategic objectives.

2. The Joint Subcommittee may consider process recommendations provided by the six ex officio members of the six-year plan review committee. The ex officio members of the review committee shall develop their recommendations following consultation with higher education, research, and economic development stakeholders. The Joint Subcommittee may request modifications to the six-year plan process to be timed to permit implementation during the next scheduled six-year planning process in 2019; provided, however, that the Joint Subcommittee may authorize the ex officio members of the six-year plan review committee to expedite development of some potential agreements during 2018 as pilots to provide a template or templates for subsequent use by the institutions and the review committee.  The implementation of a pilot agreement may proceed after formal approval is granted by a majority of the members of the Joint Subcommittee.".

Page 11, line 1, strike "4." and insert "5."

Page 11, line 7, strike "5." and insert "6."


(This language amendment allows the Joint Subcommittee on the Future Competitiveness of Virginia Higher Education to establish a process for the development of potential outcome agreements between the Commonwealth and participating public institutions of higher education by offering guidance concerning the current six-year plan process to provide an option for institutions to negotiate and reach agreement on institution-specific goals, initiatives, and mutual expectations for the advancement of the Commonwealth’s strategic objectives. The amendment also states that the Joint Subcommittee may request modifications to the current six-year plan process from the six-year plan review committee and could then opt to formally approve pilots on this proposal during 2018.)