2018 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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Sexual Harassment Training

Item 1 #2s

Item 1 #2s

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia FY2019 $50,000 FY2020 $50,000 GF

Page 3, line 5, strike "$44,731,541" and insert "$44,781,541".
Page 3, line 5, strike "$44,731,541" and insert "$44,781,541".

Page 12, following line 49, insert:

"X.  Any legislative branch employee commencing or recommencing employment and any member of the General Assembly elected after November 1, 2018 shall complete sexual harassment training as provided by the Office of Clerk of the House of Delegates and the Office of the Clerk of the Senate in partnership with the National Conference of State Legislatures within 90 days of commencing or recommencing employment or such election, unless the person previously completed such training in the calendar year in which the person commenced or recommenced employment as a legislative branch employee or was elected to the General Assembly. Thereafter, the legislative branch employee or new member of the General Assembly shall complete sexual harassment training once every calendar year.  The head of each agency in the legislative branch shall be responsible for ensuring that the agency's legislative branch employees comply with the training requirements established under this chapter.  From the amounts included in this Item, $50,000 the first year and $50,000 the second year from the general fund are herein appropriated to cover any reasonable and necessary expenses incurred."


(This amendment accompanies SB 796 which requires all members of the General Assembly, full time legislative staff compensated with state appropriations, and full time employees of each legislative branch agency to complete sexual harassment training. Training is already administered by the Department of Human Resources Management through the Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center.)