2018 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Expand Use of At-Risk Add-on Program Allocation (language only)

Item 136 #15h

Item 136 #15h

Direct Aid to Public Education


Page 129, line 36, after "language," insert:

"hiring additional school guidance counselors,".

Page 129, line 38, after "training." insert:

"Further, each school division shall report each year by August 1 to the Department the individual uses of these funds. The Department shall compile the responses and provide them to the Chairmen of House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees  no later than the first day of each Regular General Assembly Session."


(This language amendment expands the possible options for school divisions to spend the funding they receive from the At-Risk Add-on supplement to include hiring additional school counselors to reduce the divisions current counselor to student ratio. The new language also requires school divisions to report how At-Risk Add-on funds are spent each year and requires the Department of Education to report that information to the Chairmen of House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees.)