2018 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

Move VITA to Administration Secretariat

Item 84.50 #1h

Item 84.50 #1h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Virginia Information Technologies Agency FY2019 $1,110,137 FY2020 $1,110,137 NGF
FY2019 3.60 FY2020 3.60 FTE

Page 73, after line 37, insert:

"84.50 Virginia Information Technologies Agency$1,110,137$1,110,137
Fund Sources:  Dedicated Special Revenue $1,110,137 $1,110,137 "

Page 73 after line 37, insert:

"Information Technology Planning and Quality Control (82800)         $1,110,137               $1,110,137

Enterprise Development Services (82803)         $1,110,137      $1,110,137

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 20.1, Code of Virginia."


(This amendment moves a portion of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) from the Technology secretariat to the Administration secretariat. Companion amendments move the remainder of VITA to the Administration secretariat.)