2018 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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VIMS Repurpose Proposed New Bay Monitoring Program

Item 159 #1h

Item 159 #1h

First Year - FY2019 Second Year - FY2020
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Institute of Marine Science FY2019 ($378,486) FY2020 ($490,753) GF
FY2019 -2.70 FY2020 -2.70 FTE

Page 162, line 16, strike "$24,416,949" and insert "$24,038,463".
Page 162, line 16, strike "$24,126,875" and insert "$23,636,122".

Page 163, strike lines 26 through 33.


(This amendment re-purposes proposed funding for a new bay monitoring program. Funding is redirected into operations and maintenance of new facilities at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in accordance with the institutions funding priorities.)