2014 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Committee Approved)

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College Lab Schools Balances (Not Set Out)

Item 471.10 #4s

Item 471.10 #4s

First Year - FY2013 Second Year - FY2014
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2013 $0 FY2014 ($600,000) GF

Page 218, line 7, strike "($3,787,778)" and insert "($4,387,778)".
Page 221, after line 2, insert:
Secretary of Education
Capture College Lab Schools unspent balances     $600,000".

(This amendment captures savings from uncommitted funding for the college partnership lab schools initiative intended to test innovative approaches to teaching. After several rounds of grant applications and awards, there is approximately $800,000 in uncommitted balances in FY 2014 remaining from this program. Companion amendments make the adjustment for the other $200,000 in unspent balances as of FY 2014 and also eliminate remaining funding for the initiative in FY 2015. This amendment is drafted to Item 471.10 because Item 130 was "Not set out" in Senate Bill 29 as introduced.)