2014 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hugo
Bi-County Connector (language only)

Item 444 #1h

Item 444 #1h

Transportation, Department of

Page 381, after line 3, insert:
"G.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department  shall not proceed with design, right of way acquisition, or construction of the proposed Bi-County Parkway project until the Draft Environmental Impact Statement has been revised to reflect the assumed expansion of the project to include the proposal to improve access to the western side of Dulles Airport by expanded the Parkway to include the area from U.S. Route 50 to State Route 606.  In addition, these limitations shall remain in effect until the Section 106 agreements required under the National Historic Protection Act are finalized with regard to the potential impact on the Manassas National Battlefields Park."

(This amendment ensures that the Bi-County Parkway project is not undertaken unless and until the Virginia Department of Transportation follows all of the appropriate public input and project selection processes typically used for major transportation improvement projects, and requires a fuller examination of the proposed project from a historic and environmental impact perspective because fully 8 years passed between approval of the initial Draft EIS and a decision to restart this controversial project. Further, because the Department intends to expand the project's scope beyond that assumed in the DEIS conducted in 2005, it should be redone to reflect that potential scope expansion.)