2014 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Yost
Provide Funds for Prevention Services

Item 308 #17h

Item 308 #17h

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Health and Human Resources
Grants To Localities FY2015 $2,500,000 FY2016 $2,500,000 GF

Page 270, line 5, strike "$353,662,156" and insert "$356,162,156".
Page 270, line 5, strike "$361,349,536" and insert "$363,849,536".

(This amendment adds $2.5 million each year from the general fund to implement customized and effective strategies that assess, identify, and implement programming within each region of Virginia to prevent and reduce risk factors that lead to youth violence, alcohol/drug use, mental health problems, and other risky behaviors; and increase protective factors, including mental wellness and healthy coping strategies. Funding would be used for five regional projects that would include: community-based planning, including data acquisition and reports by Health Planning Region and locality; regional advisory boards of professionals (including members representing the Virginia Department of Health, the Department of Education, public safety agencies, and others) established to assess, vet, and evaluate regional grant applications/projects; and violence prevention education and mental health promotion, to ensure that Virginia’s youth and families are saturated with evidence-based violence prevention programming in school and community settings based on local needs assessment.)