CA: Preplanning Fund
Item C-87.10 #1s
Item C-87.10 #1s | First Year - FY2011 | Second Year - FY2012 | |
Central Appropriations |
Central Capital Outlay | FY2011 $0 | FY2012 $4,000,000 | GF |
Page 450, following line 7, insert:
"A. The following projects shall be funded for preplanning from amounts in the Central Capital Planning Fund established under § 2.2-1520 of the Code of Virginia and the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the Central Capital Planning Fund for such purposes:
College of William and Mary
Renovate Tyler Hall
Norfolk State University
Renovate E. L. Hamm Building
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Treatment Center for Children
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Sexually Violent Predator Facility III
Virginia Community College System
Construct Phase III Building, Midlothian Campus, John Tyler Community College
Construct Phase VII Academic Building, Annandale Campus, Northern Virginia Community College
Construct Science and Engineering Building, Chesapeake Campus, Tidewater Community College
Renovate Bayside Building (Building B), Virginia Beach Campus, Tidewater Community College
Construct New Classroom and Administration (Student Services Support) Building, Blue Ridge Community College
Renovate Building B, Parham Road Campus, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
Renovate Phase I Academic/Administration Building, Eastern Shore Community College
Renovate Main Building, Middletown Campus, Lord Fairfax
Renovate Engineering and Industrial Technology Building, Danville Community College
Renovate Post Phase III Academic Building (Reynolds Building), Loudoun Campus, Northern Virginia Community College
B. Repayment of advances from the Central Capital Planning Fund for preplanning shall be made as provided for in § 2.2-1520 of the Code of Virginia."
"C-87.10 Central Capital Planning Fund | | | $4,000,000 | |
Fund Sources: General | | | $4,000,000" | |