2011 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Committee Approved)

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CA: New GF Bond Projects

Item C-85.10 #1s

Item C-85.10 #1s

First Year - FY2011 Second Year - FY2012
Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay FY2011 $0 FY2012 $577,022,225 NGF

Page 448, line 36, following "1." insert ", or such  additional bond proceeds authorized in this Item."
Page 448, line 36, following "1." strike, "The projects in priority order are:" and insert:
" The Director shall authorize the projects to proceed to bid and construction, as planning is completed, and as debt capacity is available.Page 449, following line 8, insert:
Page 448, line 36, following "1." insert ", or such  additional bond proceeds authorized in this Item."
Page 448, line 36, following "1." strike, "The projects in priority order are:" and insert:
" The Director shall authorize the projects to proceed to bid and construction, as planning is completed, and as debt capacity is available.
Department of General Services
Renovate Main Hall, Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind at Staunton
Seat of Government Renovation and Construction
Renovate 9th Street Office Building Construct New Office Building at 9th & Broad
Construct 650 Space Parking Deck (140 Spaces reserved for General Assembly) Renovate GAB
Christopher Newport University
Band Rehearsal Hall and Connector
College of William and Mary
Renovate Brafferton Hall
George Mason University
Construct Human and Health Services Building,
Fairfax Construct Life Sciences Building, Prince William
Longwood University
Renovate Stevens Hall
Norfolk State University
Construct Campus Improvements
Radford University
Renovate Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital for Nursing Program
University of Virginia
Renovate the Rotunda
Virginia Military Institute
Renovate and Construct Corps Physical Training Facilities, Phase I
Roanoke Higher Education Authority
Renovate Roanoke Higher Education Center
Department of Corrections
Construct Augusta Wastewater Treatment Plant
Department of State Police
Construct Castlewood BCI Office."

(This amendment provides $525.2 million from VCBA and VPBA bond proceeds and $51.9 million NGF the second year for 14 capital projects.)