Item C-182 |
A.1. The following capital projects are hereby authorized and may be supported in whole or in part through bonds of the Virginia College Building Authority pursuant to § 23-30.24 et seq., Code of Virginia. Bonds issued to finance these projects may be sold and issued under the 21st Century College Program at the same time with other obligations of the Authority as separate issues or as a combined issue.
2. The total amount listed in this Item is $117,561,373 $194,719,373 in bond proceeds.
3. Debt service on the projects contained in this Item shall be provided from appropriations to the Treasury Board.
4. The appropriations for said capital projects are contained in the appropriation Items listed below and are subject to the conditions in § 2-0 F of this act.
Agency Name / Project Title | Item # | Project Code | Section 9(d) Bonds |
Christopher Newport University |
Renovate/Expand Gosnold Hall | C-14.30 | 16828 | $2,345,000 |
The College of William and Mary in Virginia |
Construct Integrated Science Center | C-15 | 16296 | $4,725,000 |
Construct New School of Education | C-19.05 | 17586 | $2,819,000 |
Expand Small Hall | C-19.10 | 16784 | $2,248,000 |
Richard Bland College |
Construct Science and Technology Center | C-19.20 | 17687 | $1,000,000 |
George Mason University |
Construct Academic VI / Research II | C-22 | 17365 | $5,500,000 |
Construct Academic V | C-23 | 16832 | $4,500,000 |
Construct Arlington II | C-36.55 | 16523 | $5,000,000 |
Renovate Thompson, West and Pohick | C-36.60 | 16607 | $500,000 |
James Madison University |
Construct Music Recital Hall | C-37 | 16807 | $676,000 |
Acquire Rockingham Memorial Hall | C-39 | 17168 | $8,600,000 |
Construct Center for the Arts | C-39.05 | 16806 | $846,000 |
Longwood University |
Bedford Wygal Connector | C-40.10 | 16802 | $1,900,000 |
Jarman Hall | C-40.20 | 16301 | $1,500,000 |
University of Mary Washington |
Renovate Monroe Hall | C-41 | 16803 | $1,500,000 |
Renovate Lee Hall | C-42 | 16594 | $750,000 |
Renovate Four Academic Buildings | C-44 | 16804 | $1,000,000 |
Old Dominion University |
Equipment for Hughes Hall | C-50.10 | 16821 | $1,300,000 |
Radford University |
Renovate Young Hall | C-57 | 16814 | $284,000 |
Renovate Davis Hall | C-58 | 16865 | $149,000 |
Renovate Heth Hall | C-60.05 | 17334 | $7,076,000 |
University of Virginia |
Construct Medical Research Building (MR-6) | C-63 | 16282 | $765,000 |
Construct Arts and Sciences Building | C-63.05 | 16528 | $716,000 |
Construct Alderman Road Housing, Phase II | C-63.06 | 17794 | $8,900,000 |
University of Virginia Medical Center |
Renovate and equip medical center facilities | C-63.07 | 17795 | $40,000,000 |
University of Virginia's College at Wise |
Construct Drama Building and Addition | C-63.10 | 16830 | $735,000 |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Construct Medical Sciences Building, |
Phase II | C-67 | 16721 | $3,700,000 |
Virginia Community College System |
Construct Phase III Building, Loudoun |
Campus, Northern Virginia | C-69 | 17377 | $8,600,000 |
Construct Phase I Regional Health |
Professions Center, Virginia Beach |
Campus, Tidewater | C-70 | 17378 | $8,200,000 |
Construct Phase II Building, Midlothian |
Campus, John Tyler | C-71 | 17386 | $2,800,000 |
Construct Phase VI Building, Annandale |
Campus, Northern Virginia | C-72 | 17387 | $6,100,000 |
Renovate Science Building, Annandale |
Campus, Northern Virginia | C-73 | 16178 | $700,000 |
Construct Historic Triangle Campus, Thomas Nelson | C-74 | 16837 | $5,640,000 |
Equipment, Booth Center, Southwest Virginia | C-81.20 | 17636 | $979,373 |
Rockbridge Regional Center, Dabney S. Lancaster | C-81.10 | 17639 | $75,000 |
Dental Hygiene Facility Equipment | C-74.10 | 17635 | $2,400,000 |
Renovate Hobbs (Suffolk) Campus, Paul D. Camp | C-75 | 17388 | $210,000 |
Construct Tri-Cities Education Center | C-76 | 17488 | $900,000 |
Consrtruct Academic Building Phase III, Manassas Campus, Northern Virginia | C-81.55 | 17501 | $6,059,000 |
Virginia Military Institute |
Construct Mallory Hall | C-82 | 16797 | $760,000 |
Renovate Kilbourne Hall | C-83 | 17119 | $485,000 |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Renovate Henderson Hall | C-87 | 16758 | $3,458,000 |
Construct Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science, Phase II | C-91.05 | 17291 | $3,981,000 |
Central Capital Outlay |
Supplements to Previously Authorized Projects | C-177 | 17178 | $39,405,000 |
Total VCBA Projects |
| $194,719,373 |