2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

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Item C-0 #1c

Item C-0 #1c

General Conditions
General Conditions

Page 546, after line 36, insert:
"Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
Plan Community Housing 0965 17733 $233,000
Plan Community Housing 0965 17774 $250,000
Central Capital
Unallocated Planning Funds 0965 17777 $3,475,150
Planning Projects Listed Below $16,650,000

Agency Code Project Code Fund Code
146 17645 0965
204 17650 0965
204 17652 0965
207 17654 0965
207 17655 0965
208 17657 0965
208 17658 0965
208 17662 0965
211 17664 0965
212 17665 0965
213 17627 0965
213 17667 0965
214 17668 0965
215 17671 0965
216 17674 0965
216 17675 0965
217 17619 0965
221 17678 0965
229 17681 0965
236 17682 0965
242 17690 0965
242 17691 0965
247 17695 0965
247 17697 0965
260 17705 0965
260 17711 0965
260 17750 0965
425 17626 0965
777 17727 0965
799 17728 0965
799 17729    0965".

(This amendment reverts to the general fund unused and unexpended planning funds for projects provided under Chapter 1, 2008 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I.)