Savings from Decreased Printing Costs
Item 475.1 #1c
Item 475.1 #1c | First Year - FY2009 | Second Year - FY2010 | |
Central Appropriations |
Central Appropriations | FY2009 ($200,000) | FY2010 ($500,000) | GF |
Page 526, line 37, strike "($32,399,579)" and insert "($32,599,579)".
Page 526, line 37, strike "($14,594,279)" and insert "($15,094,279)".
Page 527, after line 24, insert:
"C.1 The Governor shall develop guidelines for the Executive Branch and Administrative Agencies to decrease the need for printed materials, particularly those well-suited for electronic distribution on the internet. Beyond a limited number for senior decision makers in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government, all annual or special reports will be made electronically available on the internet and not printed. Within guidelines established by the Governor, there shall be business case exceptions for departments and agencies in the executive branch to request exceptions for those documents that are essential to the public and must be, given their nature and general use, made available in a printed format. The intent of the General Assembly is, to the fullest extent possible, to make documents available to the general public on the internet and reduce the cost associated with printing those documents. The Governor will report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance Committee a plan to implement this provision within 30 days of enactment and issue guidelines for the implementation of the plan with 60 days of enactment.
2. General fund savings realized through reduced printing expenditures, estimated at $200,000 in the first year and $500,000 the second year shall be transferred to this item by the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget."
(This amendment assumes savings of $700,000 over the biennium from reduced expenditures for printing reports.)