2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

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Authorize Establishment of General Fund Appropriation (language only)

Item 411 #1c

Item 411 #1c

Public Safety
Juvenile Justice, Department of

Page 450, line 54, after "locality.",  insert:
"The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, may increase the general fund appropriation for this item up to the amount of unobligated VJCCCA funds returned to the Department of Juvenile Justice."

(This amendment adds language authorizing the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, to increase the general fund appropriation up to the amount of unobligated Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) grants returned by localities to the Department of Juvenile Justice. This would allow the department to reprogram these funds to local programs demonstrating the greatest effectiveness in juvenile crime prevention. The language presently in the budget inadvertently forces a one-year lag since the funding would need to be reflected in the department's year-end balances.)