2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

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ARRA Enhanced Federal Funding for Title IV-E Costs

Item 342 #2c

Item 342 #2c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of FY2009 ($4,915,790) FY2010 ($6,639,545) GF

Page 384, line 54, strike "$175,659,570" and insert "$170,743,780".
Page 384, line 54, strike "$171,432,966" and insert "$164,793,421".

(This amendment reflects additional revenue included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for maintenance costs associated with the federal Title IV-E foster care program. The change in reimbursement for Title IV-E, increases the federal share of foster care payments from 50 percent to approximately 56.2 percent in fiscal year 2009 and 56.2 percent in fiscal year 2010, allowing the Commonwealth to reduce its share of Title IV-E spending by $4.9 million in fiscal year 2009 and $6.6 million in fiscal year 2010. This additional federal funding is designed to offset rising caseloads and mitigate the need for further reductions in services and provider rates.)