2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

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Restore Funding for Hospital Services

Item 306 #22c

Item 306 #22c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2009 $0 FY2010 $12,538,391 GF
FY2009 $0 FY2010 $18,589,310 NGF

Page 324, line 2, strike "$5,933,087,351" and insert "$5,964,215,052".
Page 341, strike lines 42 through 58.
Page 341, line 59, strike "MMM." and insert "LLL."
Page 342, line 11, strike "NNN." and insert "MMM."
Page 342, line 14, strike "OOO." and insert "NNN."
Page 342, line 25, strike "PPP." and insert "OOO."
Page 342, line 38, strike "QQQ." and insert "PPP."
Page 342, line 48, strike "RRR." and insert "QQQ."
Page 343, line 1, strike "SSS." and insert "RRR."
Page 343, line 19, strike "TTT." and insert "SSS."
Page 343, line 36, strike "UUU." and insert "TTT."

(This amendment restores $12.5 million from the general fund and $18.6 million from federal Medicaid matching funds the second year to maintain current reimbursement levels for general acute care cases, acute care rehabilitation cases and psychiatric cases. The introduced budget reduced funding for these hospitals by three percentage points.)