2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

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Dentistry Board Regulations on Mobile Dental Clinics (language only)

Item 303 #2c

Item 303 #2c

Health And Human Resources
Health Professions, Department of

Page 321, line 40, before "That," insert "A."
Page 321, after line 45, insert:
"B.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 27 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, the Board of Dentistry shall revise its regulations pertaining to the licensure of dentists and dental hygienists to require that mobile dental clinics and other portable dental operations meet certain requirements to ensure that patient safety is protected, appropriate dental services are rendered, and needed follow-up care is provided.  The revised regulations shall include, but not be limited to, requirements for registration by the mobile clinics, locations where services are provided, reporting requirements by providers and other regulations to insure accountability of care rendered.  These regulations shall apply to all mobile dental facilities or portable dental programs with the exception of those operated by federal, state or local governmental agencies, or by other entities deemed appropriate for exemption by the Board of Dentistry.  The Board shall promulgate regulations to become effective within 280 days or less from the enactment of this act to implement these changes."

(This amendment adds language directing the Board of Dentistry to implement regulations governing the operations of mobile dental clinics and the registration of such clinics. A significant increase in privately-owned mobile and portable dental providers in the state who are based elsewhere in the country, has resulted in problems ensuring that these "school-based" mobile or portable programs adequately ensure patients are referred to a dental home after the preventive services are delivered, established protocols are followed, quality assurance is conducted and that patients will be notified regarding the cessation of operations.)