2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

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Textbook - No Local Match & Additional Flexibility (language only)

Item 140 #5c

Item 140 #5c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 151, line 45, after "year." insert:
"A school division shall appropriate these funds for textbooks or any other public education expenditure by the school division only in the second year.  No local match is required to receive these state funds in the second year only and such local match shall be excluded from the determination of required local effort in the second year pursuant to Item  140 B.8a. through h. and § 22.1-97, Code of Virginia."
Page 151, after line 56 insert:
5) For purposes of calculating rebenchmarking costs for textbooks for the 2012-2014 biennium, the Department of Education shall include the higher of the fiscal year 2009 or fiscal year 2010 division-level textbook per pupil amount in calculating the base year statewide prevailing per pupil amount.  For this one year calculation, the Department of Education shall adjust, with one additional year of inflation, any fiscal year 2009 division-level per pupil textbook expenditure data used in calculating the base year statewide prevailing per pupil amount."

(This amendment waives the local required match for textbooks. In addition, school divisions may use their textbook allocation for other education expenses. This is a one-time action and will not be continued in the 2010-12 biennium rebenchmarking nor will it adversely affect funding for the 2012-14 biennium.)