2009 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Lingamfelter
Co-Patron(s): Marshall R.
Waive Certain Statutory SOQ Staffing Requirements (language only)

Item 140 #22h

Item 140 #22h

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 176, after line 22, insert:
"36. Notwithstanding sections in this item, localities may elect to waive any staffing requirements for the following staffing areas for the second year: 1) SOQ Prevention, Intervention, Remediation; 2) Elementary art, music or physical education resource teachers; 3) SOQ Special Education; 4) SOQ Gifted; 5) SOQ Career and Technical; 6) Librarians; 7) Guidance Counselors; and 8) School Clerical staff.  
In addition, localities may elect to modify the staffing requirements for the following grade levels or curriculum areas for the second year as follows:
    1) Kindergarten: a) division-wide average of 25 students to one teacher; b) maximum class size of 30 students; c) maximum individual class size of 25 students without an instructional aide
    2) Grades 1, 2, 3: a) division-wide average of 25 students to one teacher; b) maximum individual class size of 31 students
      3) Grade 4, 5, 6: a) division-wide average to 27 students to one teacher
    4) English Classes Grades 6-12: a) division-wide average to 25 students to one teacher
    5) Middle and High Schools: a) division-wide average to 22 students to one teacher: localities must continue to ensure that a planning period is provided to all middle and high school teachers
State funding will be distributed based on existing staffing ratios and will not be impacted by this one-year waiver for localities.
Localities that receive federal funding shall continue to satisfy any federal requirements related to the federal allocations."

(This amendment waives or modifies certain statutory SOQ staffing requirements for the second year in order to provide flexibility to school divisions in meeting budget requirements.)